
Below you can book an interpreter, submit a feedback ticket, or request access to our online reporting dashboard.

Helping you to help yourself

Use our forms below to submit requests for language support and other types of assistance requests.

Book an interpreter: Community & First Nations Languages

Complete the form below and one of our team members will get in contact immediately with details and confirmation.

Give us feedback

To ensure our services are delivered properly, it is critical that we employ a centralized feedback management system.

How to initiate a complaint or provide feedback:

  1. Call the Toll-Free Number associated with your service.
  2. Submit a ticket online using our form below.
  3. Send an email to with all relevant information including language, date/time of call and the issue.
  4. The above will provide us with the right information to identify the interaction. Tickets will automatically be sent to the originator to acknowledge receipt.

Request access to our reporting platform

We provide comprehensive contract management reporting – either delivered electronically each month or by using our BI Platform.

The platform has been designed to capture all necessary request details, including total time of call, connection time, and interpreter time. With our BI Platform, you can interrogate your data by day, week, month, quarter or year as well as language, skill or channel.

Feedback management is also integrated into monthly reporting for clients for a 360 degree view of service quality and performance.

Need a better way to say hello?
Talk to us today.