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Health & Mental Health

Health Executives want operational efficiency and consistent patient flow whilst delivering equitable outcomes for migrant patients.

To accomplish positive outcomes, they employ The Hello Co.

Health & Mental Health
Health - Challenge
The problem clients face

The Challenge

Healthcare Executives need to ensure equitable access to services for migrant patients and to do this, they rely on specialised health interpreters to help healthcare professionals interact with patients from migrant backgrounds.  

Healthcare Executives are also challenged with budgets that are not infinite. This is further complicated by delivery models that contain financial and operational inefficiencies as well as  inequity of access to language support driving quality related risks that could present adverse outcomes for migrant patients. 

Many of these challenges are related to legacy practices that can be solved by adopting risk based approach to clinical care.

how we fix it

The Solution

Healthcare Executives choose The Hello Co. for its innovative and reliable rapid language support, ensuring their clinical and medical teams are equipped to assist migrant patients effectively and efficiently at every encounter.

In collaboration with our healthcare clients, we innovatively redesign the deployment and utilisation of language services within healthcare environments, focusing on clinical need. Our strategy promotes increased equity in access and safeguards against any compromise to patient outcomes.

We provide a customised, expedited service experience for our healthcare clients and their patients, guaranteeing access to high-quality language support around the clock, every day of the year.



Health - Solution
Health - Result
outcomes we deliver

The Results

Our Healthcare clients are now empowered to seamlessly align the linguistic needs of patients with clinical requirements right at the point of care, utilising our range of solutions including On-Demand Phone, Video, or Face-2-Face Interpreters.

Our approach has removed financial and process waste from language services expenditure as well as improved patient flow ensuring greater operational efficiencies. 



Numbers that Sealed the Deal

Connect time to an interpreter

0 secs

Connect time to an interpreter

Requests serviced on demand


All requests serviced on demand



Savings on an annualised basis

customer success

Where We Work

We collaborate closely with Healthcare providers across Australia and New Zealand to deliver language at the point of need.

Tend Health
Te Whatu Ora - Southern

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